Shamanism: Spiritual Growth, Healing, Consciousness

by Christa MacKinnon
(Gothic Dreams) Hardcover – November 17, 2020
What is Shamanism?
Foreword By Itzhak Beery
One summer day, in 1995, by pure coincidence, I pulled a book from a bookstore shelf. That changed my life. I began on a fascinating and transformative shamanic path that took me onto many continents to meet amazing teachers, heal many thousands of people, lecture, and writing my books. I invite you to join me on this journey. Christa MacKinnon’s striking book can change your life if you let your heart open and heed to your soul.
My teacher, Ipupiara, always said, “We are all, shamans.” Human has the innate skills to dream, vision, sense, hug, sing, and speak words of comfort. At the same time, we have intelligence to realize the true nature of Nature. We are all born to heal each other and ourselves using the tools of the seen and unseen worlds.
Shamans do that by entering into a trance-like state of consciousness. They meet their invisible forces or spirit helpers–power animals, spirits of nature, ancestors, or other teachers, by using drumbeat, voice, movement, playing music, or the use of hallucinates to retrieve and share information that otherwise cannot be obtained.
Information materialized in the language of the heart–poetry, creativity, and intuition. It subverts our skeptical mind by using symbols, idioms, allegories, art, and metaphors. In beautiful settings shamans create rituals and ceremonies, for all stages of life, with prayers, chants, sounds, dance, storytelling, sacred objects, masks, fire, etc. open our hearts to the mystery, to explore new possibilities, to re-experiencing nature and reunite us with our soul purpose, and yearnings, to be part of the grand cosmos.
Shamanism is the time-tested practice, which let our ancestors live in harmony with nature. I believe this cumulative sacred knowledge, from the time we set foot on Mother Earth, is crucial nowadays to heal ourselves in our troubled modern life.
(Gothic Dreams) Hardcover – November 17, 2020
What is Shamanism?
Foreword By Itzhak Beery
One summer day, in 1995, by pure coincidence, I pulled a book from a bookstore shelf. That changed my life. I began on a fascinating and transformative shamanic path that took me onto many continents to meet amazing teachers, heal many thousands of people, lecture, and writing my books. I invite you to join me on this journey. Christa MacKinnon’s striking book can change your life if you let your heart open and heed to your soul.
My teacher, Ipupiara, always said, “We are all, shamans.” Human has the innate skills to dream, vision, sense, hug, sing, and speak words of comfort. At the same time, we have intelligence to realize the true nature of Nature. We are all born to heal each other and ourselves using the tools of the seen and unseen worlds.
Shamans do that by entering into a trance-like state of consciousness. They meet their invisible forces or spirit helpers–power animals, spirits of nature, ancestors, or other teachers, by using drumbeat, voice, movement, playing music, or the use of hallucinates to retrieve and share information that otherwise cannot be obtained.
Information materialized in the language of the heart–poetry, creativity, and intuition. It subverts our skeptical mind by using symbols, idioms, allegories, art, and metaphors. In beautiful settings shamans create rituals and ceremonies, for all stages of life, with prayers, chants, sounds, dance, storytelling, sacred objects, masks, fire, etc. open our hearts to the mystery, to explore new possibilities, to re-experiencing nature and reunite us with our soul purpose, and yearnings, to be part of the grand cosmos.
Shamanism is the time-tested practice, which let our ancestors live in harmony with nature. I believe this cumulative sacred knowledge, from the time we set foot on Mother Earth, is crucial nowadays to heal ourselves in our troubled modern life.